Cybersecurity Legislation in Congress: Three Things to Know
from Net Politics and Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program

Cybersecurity Legislation in Congress: Three Things to Know

NCCIC POTUS Cyber CFR DHS Net Politics
NCCIC POTUS Cyber CFR DHS Net Politics

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Congresses and Parliaments

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The debate over cybersecurity is heating up again in Washington. Congress is considering multiple pieces of legislation intended to enhance the ability of the private sector and government to share information about digital threats. Meanwhile, the White House has put forth its own proposal, which diverges from those measures on major issues. 

Keeping track of all the legislative measures can be confusing. In this video, I provide some background on three things you need to know about the debate on cybersecurity information sharing.

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Politics and Government

Congresses and Parliaments

Heads of State and Government
