26 Results for:

November 8, 2010

Wars and Conflict
The Sixth Crisis

A balanced, even-handed account of the forces that are driving Iran, Israel, and the United States toward crisis, and what can be done to defuse it.

October 19, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Master of the Game

A perceptive and provocative history of Henry Kissinger’s diplomatic negotiations in the Middle East that illuminates the unique challenges and barriers Kissinger and his successors have faced in the…

September 15, 2022

Pastoral Power, Clerical State

Ebenezer Obadare examines the overriding impact of Nigerian Pentecostal pastors on their churches, and how they have shaped the dynamics of state-society relations during the Fourth Republic.

October 6, 2009

Start-Up Nation

Read an excerpt of Start-Up Nation. "The West needs innovation; Israel's got it," write Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Adjunct Senior Fellow Dan Senor and the Jerusalem Post's Saul Singer, in …

June 1, 2003

Support Any Friend

Read an excerpt of Support Any Friend. In his timely, perceptive, and elegantly written book, Senior Fellow Warren Bass offers striking new insights into the origins of today's Middle East. He ill…