34 Results for:

August 1, 2005

United States
America Unbound

Winner of the 2003 Lionel Gelber Prize, America Unbound has been lauded for its evenhanded treatment of Bush's foreign policy. Veterans of the Clinton administration's National Security Council staff…

February 1, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Understanding the War on Terror (Foreign Affairs Books)

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the United States awoke to find itself at war. If that much was clear, many other things were not—including the identity and nature of the enemy, the location of…

October 1, 2004

The World's Banker

Since 9/11, many have observed that global security depends upon improving conditions for the world's poor. But how to make that happen? No institution has grappled harder with this challenge than th…

January 1, 2004

United States
American Foreign Policy: Cases and Choices (Foreign Affairs Books)

Pundits often treat foreign policy decision making as a simple matter of morality or politics, and academics often ignore it entirely, viewing policy as driven not by individual officials but by broa…

October 23, 2003

Power and Purpose

The evolution of American foreign policy toward the Soviet Union, and later Russia, is traced through the tumultuous and uncertain period following the end of the cold war. It examines how American policymakers—particularly in the executive branch—coped with the opportunities and challenges presented by the new Russia.