104 Results for:

October 10, 2012

Capital Flows
Leading Experts on National Security, Religion, and International Economics Join CFR

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Studies Program welcomed several new scholars to its roster.

February 5, 2014

CFR Scholars Economy and Levi Debunk Myths about China’s Resource Quest, in New Book

China’s meteoric growth and transformation into a major economic power is demanding ever-larger quantities of energy, minerals, land, and water. In a sweeping new book, Senior Fellow for Asia Studies…

December 17, 2002

United States
Panel’s Recommendations on Iraq After Saddam

After a Transitional Phase, the Iraqi People Should Choose Their Own Government and Run Their Own Oil Program, Which Faces Significant Challenges to Increase Production. U.S. Should Play a Suppo…

July 27, 2009

Un sistema de inmigración defectuoso pone en peligro de dañar seriamente los intereses nacionales de EU, advierte grupo de trabajo del CFR

El fracaso continuo en idear y poner en marcha una política de inmigración sólida y sostenible amenaza con debilitar la economía estadounidense, y pone en peligro su diplomacia y su seguridad nacio…

November 18, 2015

The Paris Attacks: Resources from CFR and Foreign Affairs

In the aftermath of the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 129 people, French authorities have conducted raids on suspected militants across France and launched airstrikes targe…