274 Results for:

November 6, 2004

Will Japan be able to stay on the sidelines for long?

Some facts: 1) In 2003, Japan increased its reserves by $200 billion, emerging Asia by $245 billion. The world as whole increased its reserves by $500 billion, so Asia accounted for most of the worl…

May 29, 2005

Non, and loudly

France has spoken.I don’t have any creative or original thoughts on what the French vote means for Europe, though, like many others, I found Henry Farrell’s thoughts interesting. For those intereste…

March 31, 2006

France: The most “Anglo-Saxon” of the big 3 continental economies

That's a headline you won't see in the financial or popular press.  The basic narrative is already established:  France won't change, and as a result, will lag behind the more flexible "Anglo-Saxon" …

April 10, 2006

China worries the US may want a “competitive” dollar

Xia Bin, head of the financial research institute at the cabinet's Development Research Centre, didn't use Martin Feldstein's clever term though.  He worries about a weak dollar policy."We cannot und…

September 5, 2006

Can the G-7 (and the IMF) match Ken Rogoff?

I quite liked Ken Rogoff’s policy prescriptions for global rebalancing.  Specifically, I thought Rogoff got two key things right. First, He recognizes that Europe already is contributing …