82 Results for:

August 19, 2014

Drug Policy
Designing a Global Coalition of Medicines Regulators

Globalization has transformed the marketplace for medicines in recent decades, giving rise to new threats including the poor traceability of global supply chains, counterfeit and substandard medicine…

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December 9, 2013

Banking on Growth: U.S. Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in Least-Developed Countries

The United States has made economic development a central tenet of its national security policy, alongside defense and diplomacy. One of the best and most cost-effective avenues for furthering econom…

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May 14, 2012

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
Ensuring the Safety and Integrity of the World’s Drug, Vaccine, and Medicines Supply

The world is facing two immediate health crises concerning drugs and vaccines: affordable and reliable access to life-sparing medicines and the safety and reliability of those medicines. Regulation a…

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June 25, 2012

What It Will Take to Secure Afghanistan

Afghanistan is approaching a major inflection point in its long and turbulent history. In 2014 most of the foreign military forces are due to pull out. With them will go the bulk of foreign financing…

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April 15, 2011

Rethinking Peacemaking in Darfur

Across eight years, two administrations, and the direct interventions of a deputy secretary of state and three special envoys, U.S. attempts to promote a lasting peace for Darfur have failed. The mos…

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