32 Results for:

May 16, 2012

Economic Crises
Greek Tipping Point on the Horizon

Greece’s political turmoil is spreading fresh economic uncertainty. But it is wrong to assume an automatic exit from the euro or further sovereign debt contagion, says expert Iain Begg.

June 14, 2011

A ’Deepening’ European Union

Though Standard and Poor’s ranks Greece as the world’s lowest-rated economy, calling into question the eurozone’s future, economist Iain Begg says the debt crisis will paradoxically have the effect o…

December 9, 2011

Economic Crises
A Political Deal for the Euro

An agreement by EU leaders to create a new fiscal union signals a political commitment to the future of the euro. Economist Iain Begg explains why it will not immediately solve the eurozone sovereign…

December 27, 2016

Prospects for the Global Economy in 2017

In the wake of a turbulent 2016, four experts analyze what’s in store for the global economy in the coming year, from China’s rebalancing efforts to the rise of populism in Europe.

June 13, 2012

Greek Elections and the Eurozone’s Future

Greek elections this weekend could render a verdict on the country’s eurozone future, with analysts fearing serious consequences for the global economy, says this CFR Backgrounder.