419 Results for:

August 3, 2006

Trade politics could get nasty fast

The US economy looks to be slowing.   Job creation (and wage growth; also see Leonhardt in the New York Times) wasn’t that impressive even when the economy was growing strongly.   Like many, I was st…

September 7, 2006

Tyler Cowen apparently did not read my China testimony! The RMB’s value does influence trade flows

The New York Times’ conservative columnists certainly know how to get my blood boiling.  David Brooks, among other things, apparently thinks the key to a hedge fund salary is good people skills – not…

September 17, 2006

Too much to read …

I really liked Krishna Guha’s analysis of global imbalances that appeared in Wednesday’s FT.    His emphasis on the role of exchange rate adjustment in global rebalancing seemed right to me.  Exchang…

October 22, 2006

Christmas Kansan

That would be me.  I like David Brooks’ pop sociology – for all its inaccuracies -- better than I like his politics.And when he used the term Christmas Ohioan in his Times Select column two weeks, I …

November 13, 2006

“Exceedingly unlikely to be indefinitely sustained”

Those are – best I can tell – the words former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin used to describe the current pattern of global capital flows, one which has allowed the US to finance a current account …