196 Results for:

June 26, 2002

Youssef Ibrahim and Henry Siegman discuss the Middle East Crisis

The Charlie Rose ShowThis transcript has not been checked against videotape and cannot, for that reason, be guaranteed as to accuracy of speakers and spelling of names. (TW) CHARLIE ROSE, Host: Welco…

October 17, 2005

Pollack: Iraqi Constitutional Vote Leaves Key Security Questions Unresolved

Kenneth M. Pollack, a former CIA and National Security Council expert on Iraq, who was a leading advocate of the forceful overthrow of Saddam Hussein, says that the just-concluded constitutional refe…

April 7, 2006

Wars and Conflict
Gordon: Iraq ‘Hanging in Balance’

Michael R. Gordon, the chief military correspondent for the New York Times and co-author of a new book on the U.S. invasion of Iraq, says it is possible that the United States might achieve the "vict…

July 9, 2003

United States
Haass: ’We Can’t Meet Most of the Challenges We Face on Our Own’

Richard N. Haass, the new president of the Council on Foreign Relations, says “what is noteworthy about this world is how, for all of our power, we can’t meet most of the challenges we face on our ow…

January 27, 2004

Iran Expert Sees Need for United States and Iran to Open Dialogue Because ’We Are Now Neighbors’

Gary Sick, former director of Columbia University’s Middle East Institute, forecasts a convergence of views between the United States and Iran because they “are now neighbors” and must broaden their …