114 Results for:

April 10, 2017

Sub-Saharan Africa
How the Trump Administration Can Help Combat Kleptocracy in Africa

A policy of combating kleptocracy across sub-Saharan Africa would strengthen the national security of the United States, and the Donald J. Trump administration should start with Nigeria and South Africa.

How the Trump Administration Can Help Combat Kleptocracy in Africa header

October 31, 2023

Middle East and North Africa
Climate Change and Regional Instability in the Middle East

The Middle East has suffered from protracted instability in recent decades, and climate-related disasters compound existing suffering. Marwa Daoudy argues that the United States and its partners should center mitigation efforts in assistance to the region.

November 9, 2022

West Africa
Climate Change and Conflict in the Sahel

The African countries of the Sahel stand to be among the most affected by climate change. To help mitigate its effects, Beza Tesfaye argues that the United States should partner with civil society groups and expand climate adaptation and financing efforts.

June 13, 2022

China and the Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia

To support its allies and partners in South Asia, the United States should assist South Asian countries in assessing Belt and Road Initiative risks and benefits.

July 20, 2022

China’s Collapsing Global Image

China’s global image has deteriorated significantly in the past four years, alienating leading democracies and developing countries alike with aggressive foreign policy, economic coercion, and faltering soft power policies.

July 27, 2020

United Nations
From Norm-Takers to Norm-Makers

African UN member states should act as unifiers and conveners rather than dividers. More coordination could help them overcome the structural challenges they face at the United Nations.

From a zoomed-out, interior perspective, a man walks out of the UN headquarters.