34 Results for:

January 13, 2004

U.S. Should Rush New Aid to Georgia, Press Russia to Close Bases and Internationalize Its Force Presence, Concludes Council’s Rapid Response Conflict Prevention Assessment

January 13, 2004 - Though Georgia’s “revolution of roses” is the most positive event in this post-Soviet space in over a decade, Georgia is entering an unstable period of transition as the new govern…

May 14, 2009

United States
CFR’s 2009 Arthur Ross Book Award Shortlist Announced

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has announced the eighth annual Arthur Ross Book Award shortlist nominees for the best book published in the last two years on international affairs. Gareth …

May 7, 2003

To Avoid Deadly Violence in Papua, Council Commission Urges Immediate implementation of Special Autonomy Plan by Indonesian Government

New York, May 7, 2003 - There is only one way to avoid conflict in the remote and impoverished, yet resource-rich, Indonesian province of Papua: Give it greater self-governance and a stake in the de…

May 26, 2009

United States
Philip Pan’s "Out of Mao’s Shadow" Wins CFR’s 2009 Arthur Ross Book Award

Out of Mao’s Shadow: The Struggle for the Soul of a New China by Philip Pan, current Moscow bureau chief and former Beijing bureau chief for the Washington Post, has won the Council on Foreign Relati…

April 25, 2005

United States
Federal Power-Sharing in Iraq Essential to Prevent Civil War, Concludes Council Special Report

April 25, 2005 - While Iraq’s elections were a watershed in the country’s history, the real fight for power will be over Iraq’s permanent constitution. This fight is just getting under way. Power-…