See How Much You Know About the European Union

European Union flags fly in 2018 outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels effectively serves as the EU’s capital.
European Union flags fly in 2018 outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels effectively serves as the EU’s capital. Yves Herman/Reuters

Test your knowledge of the EU's history, institutions, economy, and more.

October 30, 2018 11:00 am (EST)

European Union flags fly in 2018 outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels effectively serves as the EU’s capital.
European Union flags fly in 2018 outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Brussels effectively serves as the EU’s capital. Yves Herman/Reuters
Test your knowledge of countries, history, economics, foreign policy, and more.

The European Union is the world's most advanced example of regional integration, but the bloc's future faces serious questions. See how much you know about the EU today.

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