July 4th Trivia Quiz
from The Water's Edge
from The Water's Edge

July 4th Trivia Quiz

Independence Day fireworks light the sky over Washington.
Independence Day fireworks light the sky over Washington.

July 3, 2015 5:00 am (EST)

Independence Day fireworks light the sky over Washington.
Independence Day fireworks light the sky over Washington.
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Tomorrow is July 4—the best of all American holidays. To mark the occasion, here is the annual TWE July 4 trivia quiz to test your knowledge of all things related to this glorious day in American history. You can see the previous quizzes herehere, here, and here. Below are thirteen new questions in honor of the original thirteen colonies that threw off the yoke of British tyranny. You’ll find a link to the answers at the bottom of the post. Have a fun and safe Fourth of July!

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United States

You can find the answers to the quiz here.

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United States
