

Interview Requests

We encourage the media to contact our fellows directly with interview requests, using this index of CFR’s experts. Both the New York headquarters and Washington, DC, office have TV studios and dedicated ISDN lines for recording or live-broadcasting interviews with our experts.

Please direct questions to 212.434.9888 or [email protected].

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News Releases

The latest updates from CFR and Foreign Affairs.

Recent News Releases

United States

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is pleased to welcome David Lipton and Rebecca Patterson to the David Rockefeller Studies Program, CFR’s think tank.   Lipton is an economist and policy expe…

United States

Frontier technologies are transforming international relations and the U.S. economy. As a result, more bridges between science and engineering labs, Washington, DC, and the world of business are need…

United States

The United States “needs to act now to address threats to space assets; champion space traffic management to support the growing space economy; and incorporate commercial perspectives into civilian a…

Media Briefings

CFR scholars analyze breaking news and answer questions from members of the press. Listen to past discussions.

Press List Sign-Up

Media wishing to receive CFR and Foreign Affairs news releases and invitations to on-the-record events and breaking news calls with experts, please sign up below.

Press List Sign-Up

A/V Facilities

CFR’s New York and Washington, DC, offices are equipped with the following:

  • state-of-the-art television studios for recording or broadcasting interviews with CFR scholars
  • ISDN lines for studio-quality audio interviews
  • mult boxes with 16 to 24 A/V outputs for all on-the-record events
  • analog lines for feeding audio over a land line
  • waterfront lines through Ascent Media for live feeds of events and interviews

Permissions and Partnerships

Much of CFR’s analysis may be republished with appropriate attribution. You can read more about our permissions guidelines or contact [email protected]. To inquire about content partnerships contact [email protected].


Global Communications and Media Relations
[email protected]