427 Results for:

September 22, 2011

States on China’s Periphery Are Potential Source of Regional Instability, Warn Asia Experts at the Council on Foreign Relations

In this new memoranda series, four CFR fellows focus on crisis triggers, analyze where U.S. and Chinese interests converge and diverge, and present policy options for preventing such crises and mitig…

March 8, 2024

Latin America
New CFR Book Assesses Multi-Billion Dollar U.S. Security Assistance Programs for Colombia and Mexico

“For the United States, Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative were each a means to an end: a reduction in drug trafficking, the stabilization of volatile and violent neighbors, and the defense of d…

January 21, 2014

United States Should Include Pakistan in its Rebalance Policy Toward Asia, Argues CFR Special Report

As U.S. and coalition forces prepare to draw down troops in Afghanistan, a new report urges Washington to view Pakistan not solely or even principally in the context of U.S.-Afghanistan policy, but r…

November 4, 2009

International Organizations
U.S. Influence at Risk in Asia Without More Active Role in Regional Organizations, Warns CFR Report

With President Obama in Asia this month to participate in summits with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as bilateral …

April 30, 2024

United States
New CFR Interactive Highlights Global Inflation Trends

A new online economics tracker from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) uses interactive color-coded maps and charts to reveal patterns in prices across the globe over time. The Global Inflation T…

February 25, 2010

U.S. and Regional Experts Outline Ways to Build Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia

Northeast Asia’s security environment constitutes a formidable foreign policy challenge for the United States. Issues such as the frozen war on the Korean peninsula, China’s expanding military prowes…