State and Local Officials
The CFR State and Local Officials initiative is a nonpartisan, independent resource on pressing international issues that affect the priorities and agendas of state and local governments, including the economy, trade and competitiveness, homeland security, public health, energy supply, and climate policy.
Featured CFR Content
Public Health Threats and Pandemics
State and Local Officials Programming
Webinar and Conference Call Series
Led by a CFR expert, policy leader, or scholar, this invitation-only virtual programming series for state and local officials gives participants the opportunity to benefit from discussions of major international issues of local importance, such as responding to pandemics, protecting cities from terrorist threats, and the economic impact of immigration. Email [email protected] for more information.
Recent Webinars
Public Health Threats and Pandemics
CFR is home to over seventy regional and topic-specific scholars who cover a wide range of international issues of local importance. Many fellows have extensive experience in policy and government.
CFR can arrange for a fellow to brief an official or group of delegates—in person or via videoconference—prior to trade missions abroad, major international meetings, or other events. CFR fellows have spoken to groups such as the California Energy Commission, National Association of Secretaries of State’s Standing Committee on International Relations, and Texas House Committee on International Trade and Governmental Affairs.
Conference Appearances
CFR fellows and senior staff members are available to speak at annual meetings and gatherings of state and city government representatives. CFR experts have participated in events for organizations such as the Council of State Governments, National Governors Association, and State International Development Organizations. For more information on expert briefings or inviting a CFR fellow to address your organization, email [email protected].
State and local leaders are encouraged to apply for a CFR international affairs fellowship, which offers a year of research and writing or service in a policy-oriented environment. The international affairs fellowship is designed for mid-career professionals. For more information, visit Fellowships.
Access to Meetings and Events
CFR hosts world leaders and policymakers at hundreds of meetings and events each year in New York, Washington, DC, and across the country. State and local officials can register to receive invitations for select CFR meetings, as well as participate remotely via phone or webinar. Many on-the-record events at CFR are available via livestream on our website at Events.
CFR Task Force reports, books, and other special publications offer analysis on major topical and regional issues facing state and local governments. CFR can provide materials free of charge at the request of officials and their staff.
CFR’s award-winning website provides daily analysis of current events by CFR fellows and the editorial team, interviews with experts, in-depth Explainers, and Emmy Award-winning multimedia interactives, as well as podcasts and downloadable video and audio files of CFR on-the-record meetings.
Foreign Affairs
America’s most influential publication on international affairs offers accessible in-depth analysis of current issues. CFR offers a discounted subscription to state and local officials. Please get in touch to claim your discount.
The CFR State and Local Officials newsletter highlights CFR resources of interest to leaders in the public sector, including upcoming sessions of the CFR State and Local Officials Webinar series, timely new publications, and analysis. To subscribe, please visit Newsletters.
For CFR Programming in New York, Washington, DC, or Across the Country
Email [email protected] if you are interested in receiving invitations to select CFR meetings in your area. These sessions are by invitation only, and seating is limited.
Contact Information
For more information about CFR’s State and Local Officials initiative, please contact [email protected] or 212.434.9615.