Experts in this Topic

Thomas J. Bollyky

Bloomberg Chair in Global Health; Senior Fellow for International Economics, Law, and Development; and Director of the Global Health Program

Luciana Borio Headshot
Luciana L. Borio

Senior Fellow for Global Health

David P. Fidler

Senior Fellow for Global Health and Cybersecurity

Yanzhong Huang

Senior Fellow for Global Health

Prishant Yadav Headshot
Prashant Yadav

Senior Fellow for Global Health

  • Donald Trump
    Trump’s Executive Orders: What to Expect
    President-elect Trump has promised to commence his new term with an expansive array of executive actions, some of which could have immediate effects on U.S. foreign policy.  
  • Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: When the World Closed Its Doors
    In When the World Closed Its Doors:The Covid-19 Tragedy and the Future of Borders, Edward Alden and Laurie Trautman tell the story of how nearly every country in the world shut its borders to respond to the pandemic threat. The book details the enormous human costs of the travel restrictions and argues that governments are becoming overly reliant on borders to address external threats from terrorism to drugs to migration. This wide-angle view of a singular shock to the international systems of travel and migration highlights why those living across borders need better protections and governments more robust guardrails. The CFR Fellows’ Book Launch series highlights new books by CFR fellows.
  • Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    What Is Avian Flu?
    A recent surge in avian flu outbreaks in birds and some mammals, including humans, is worrying farmers, scientists, and public health experts. The threat of the virus becoming a pandemic is said to be low, but its evolution continues to raise alarms and pointed questions about preparedness.