8 Results for:

July 20, 2011

Political Ripples of EU’s Sovereign Debt Crisis

Eurozone leaders meeting for tomorrow’s summit are unnecessarily worried about contagion to Italy, but a growing sovereign debt crisis highlights the role of politics in the markets and the need to f…

September 14, 2005

Ukrainian Expert Karatnycky: Despite Political Crisis in Ukraine, Yushchenko and Rival Tymoshenko Likely to Reunite After Next Election

Ukrainian expert Adrian Karatnycky says President Viktor Yushchenko fired his entire cabinet, including his prime minister, the popular Yulia Tymoshenko, to end a brewing political crisis precipitate…

April 4, 2003

Trainor Says Iraq War at ’Tipping Point,’ With Iraqi Forces Decimated; All-Out Defense of Baghdad Unlikely

Former three-star Marine Corps General Bernard Trainor says that the Iraq war is now at a “tipping point,” with the vaunted Iraqi Republican Guard forces virtually decimated by U.S. firepo…

May 5, 2006

United States
Verleger: Oil Prices Peaking, But Hurricanes or Other Events Could Send Them Higher

Philip K. Verleger, a well-known expert on the economics of oil, says that the current price of oil, which has dropped below $70 a barrel, has probably peaked for the moment. Yet he warns that any pr…