Member Programs
Meetings Program in NY and DC

The Meetings Program provides members with in-person access in New York and Washington, DC, to world leaders, senior government officials, members of Congress, and prominent thinkers and practitioners in academia, policy, and business, many of whom are members themselves. Convening nearly one thousand events annually, CFR is dedicated to facilitating an intellectual exchange of ideas through expert panel discussions, symposia, town halls, livestreams, and CEO forums exclusively for members.
National Program

The National Program provides members who reside outside of New York and Washington, DC, the opportunity to discuss pressing foreign policy issues and contribute to CFR’s research. Convening nearly one hundred on-the-ground sessions across the country the National Program is centered around roundtables that build on the expertise of CFR fellows, members, and community leaders. National members can participate in virtual programming, including interactive conference calls, as well as teleconferences and livestreams.
Term Member Program

The Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program provides young professionals with a variety of special events with high-profile speakers, including an annual Term Member Conference; roundtable discussions; policy seminars; career development workshops; trips to financial, cultural, and governmental institutions around the country; and a one-week-long study trip abroad every two years. Term members also have access to all programming available to the general CFR membership in New York; Washington, DC; and nationally.
Corporate Program
The Corporate Program provides a unique forum for professionals in the private sector to interact with leaders in government, academia, civil society, and the media on issues at the intersection of business and policy. Corporate members have access to briefings with CFR’s regional and topical experts, members-only access to CFR and Foreign Affairs analysis and publications, and professional development opportunities for rising younger and early-career executives.