12 Results for:

April 29, 2021

The Future of Strategic Arms Control

To manage the increasingly stark geopolitical power shifts of the past decade-plus, the United States should pursue arms control strategies that regulate rivalry and introduce a broader array of reci…

February 15, 2000

The Foreign Policy of the Taliban

Overview Winston Churchill once observed that the people of Germany had done enough for the history of the world. A similar observation could appropriately have been made about the Taliban movemen…

August 29, 2022

Stabilizing Mozambique

Mozambique faces a host of challenges, from escalating climate crises to an ongoing insurgency in the country's northeast, that the United States can help contain with funding from the Global Fragili…

A convoy of Rwandan soldiers drives by Mozambicans on a roadside.

May 4, 2021

Technology and Innovation
Open Access Fiber to Improve U.S. Internet Connectivity

To avoid falling behind the rest of the world on internet speed and access, the United States should rapidly deploy fiber-optic internet nationwide. 

Close-up of Joe Biden in a blue suit and blue tie, speaking and gesturing with his right hand, in front of several U.S. flags

April 18, 2018

Managing Global Disorder: Prospects for U.S.-China Cooperation

No major transnational problems will be solved without some cooperation between the United States and China. It is imperative that the two countries avoid a further deterioration of the relationship and instead identify areas of potential cooperation.

Donald J Trump meets Xi Jinping