56 Results for:

August 13, 2012

What’s at Stake in Putin’s Culture War

The trial of a punk band in Russia reflects the Putin regime’s hard-line opinions on political dissent, and those views are shaping its foreign policy, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

April 4, 2011

Libya’s Strains on NATO

France, Britain, and other NATO nations are now heading the Libya mission, but strains among members could be amplified if NATO tries to increase support for the rebels and the coalition still hasn’t…

August 25, 2011

Libya’s ’Precarious’ Transition Ahead

As rebels try to strengthen their hold on Tripoli, the odds of a peaceful, democratic transfer of power in Libya are long and the need for ongoing international intervention is very likely, says CFR’…

May 5, 2006

United States
Verleger: Oil Prices Peaking, But Hurricanes or Other Events Could Send Them Higher

Philip K. Verleger, a well-known expert on the economics of oil, says that the current price of oil, which has dropped below $70 a barrel, has probably peaked for the moment. Yet he warns that any pr…

October 5, 2005

International Law
Interview with Lee Feinstein on the International Criminal Court and the United States

The United Nations’ International Criminal Court (ICC), for the first time since its work began in 2002, has issued arrest warrants against war criminals. The current case levies indictments against …