28 Results for:

March 17, 2009

United States
Missile Defense Technology

U.S. missile defense in the twenty-first century is focused on emerging threats from North Korea and Iran, but critics say these systems are too costly and largely unproven.

March 18, 2011

United States
Nuclear Power Expansion Challenges

The scramble for energy alternatives has brought new focus on nuclear power in the United States, but its revival faces political and practical obstacles.

July 12, 2007

United States
The Shifting Capital of Capital

New York remains a global heavyweight in financial services, but markets in London and East Asia are gaining strength and posing a serious challenge to the Big Apple.

January 14, 2010

United States
Global Uranium Supply and Demand

Interest in nuclear power is increasing, but securing adequate uranium supplies for nuclear fuel faces challenges ranging from a flagging mining sector to fears of nuclear weapons proliferation.

February 12, 2007

Tehran’s Oil Dysfunction

Backgrounder: Economists say Iran’s mismanaged energy sector and falling oil prices could have consequences for its economy.