128 Results for:

October 9, 2003

Former Envoy Abramowitz: Turkey’s Decision to Deploy Peacekeepers a ’Big Advance’

Morton I. Abramowitz, the U.S. ambassador to Turkey during the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War, says the decision by the Turkish government and parliament to send peacekeeping troops to Iraq is a “big adv…

December 1, 2003

North Korea
Neocon Calls Bush’s Policy Toward North Korea ’Confused’

The Daily Yomiuri: How would you define neoconservativism?Boot: I’d have to put it in the context of the three main schools of American foreign policy. One is the realpolitik school, which holds that…

June 16, 2005

Beeman: Rafsanjani Victory Probable, But Not Certain, in Iran’s ’Real Election’

William O. Beeman, professor of anthropology at Brown University and an expert on Iran’s culture and social patterns, says he was stunned on his recent trip to Tehran by the Western-style campaigning…

July 21, 2005

Palestinian Territories
Makovsky: Very Hot Political Summer Ahead in Israel

David Makovsky, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, says that, with the scheduled withdrawal of Israeli settlers from Gaza, there is a “sense of a looming showdown” betwee…

September 13, 2005

Drozdiak: Upcoming German Election, ‘Most Important’ in Nearly Forty Years

William Drozdiak, president of the American Council on Germany, and a former foreign editor of the Washington Post, says this Sunday’s parliamentary election in Germany “is probably the most importan…