91 Results for:

November 11, 2008

Economic Crises
Financial Fallout: A More Skeptical, Less Generous America

CFR Senior Fellow Peter Beinart writes about how the global financial crisis will affect the United States’ broad foreign policy goals.

November 24, 2008

Russia and the Global Economic Crisis

Russia’s toughest economic challenge since the collapse of 1998 could lead it to a less confrontational foreign policy and a loss of international standing, writes CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.

February 17, 2009

Grand Strategy
The Tricky U.S.-Russia ‘Reset’ Button

The Kremlin and the Obama administration have signaled a desire to work toward a more cooperative U.S.-Russia relationship. But CFR Fellow Jeffrey Mankoff says Russian sensitivity over its "near abro…

February 20, 2009

Assessing Motives in Tehran

As American policymakers and foreign policy experts argue over the proper reaction to Iran’s apparent quest for nuclear weapons, CFR’s Intelligence Fellow Frank Procida asks whether the West should b…

April 1, 2009

Middle East and North Africa
The Evolving Turkish Role in Mideast Peace Diplomacy

CFR Senior Fellow Steven A. Cook argues that in an era of diminished resources for the United States, Turkey can play a critical and constructive role in the Middle East.