105 Results for:

April 8, 2008

Education for Children of Conflict Roundtable Series: Iraq, Education, and Children of Conflict

Due to war and sectarian violence, many Iraqis have fled their homes and are now living as refugees in neighboring countries or as internally displaced persons in Iraq. Children make up about half of…


October 6, 2006

Iraq's Impact on the Future of U.S. Foreign and Defense Policy: The U.S., Europe, and Asia (Session 2)

10:30 - 11:45 a.m. Meeting This program has been made possible by a generous gift from Rita E. Hauser.


May 6, 2015

United States
Fostering a Government of 'Open Innovation'

Aneesh Chopra discusses how technology and innovation affect public policy.

Play RTR24K4J_EC.jpg

April 26, 2011

Economic Crises
A Conversation on the Economy with Timothy F. Geithner

Timothy F. Geithner, secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, discusses economic growth, financial repair and reform, and the fiscal policies that challenge the U.S. economic recovery. Th…


April 26, 2011

Economic Crises
A Conversation on the Economy with Timothy F. Geithner

(Note: This event was fed in progress.)DANIEL L. DOCTOROFF: (In progress) -- Council on Foreign Relations meeting with Secretary Timothy Geithner. My name's Dan Doctoroff. I'm the president of Bloom…
