100 Results for:

July 27, 2010

Elections and Voting
Behind Iraq’s Long Political Indecision

Iraq’s two leading parties will probably not pull together a coalition government until September, says Iraq expert Reidar Visser, and Washington has failed to push along the political process.  

April 19, 2010

Time for an Obama Trip to Israel?

President Obama sees the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a national security issue. But badly strained U.S.-Israeli relations mean progress is unlikely unless Obama travels to Israel on a trust-build…

March 16, 2010

In Moscow Talks, Iran Looms

With hopes high that strategic nuclear arms talks are wrapping up, Russia’s position on new UN sanctions on Iran will likely figure prominently in U.S. Secretary of State Clinton’s trip to Moscow thi…

March 10, 2010

Palestinian Territories
A Rocky Path Forward in the Mideast

An Israeli announcement of more housing construction in East Jerusalem became the focus of Vice President Biden’s Middle East trip, but CFR’s Jacob Walles thinks the "proximity talks" starting next w…

October 15, 2009

Russian Wariness on U.S. Iran Policy

CFR’s Stephen R. Sestanovich says the Obama administration believes it has put relations with Russia on "a more practical" basis but convergence remains elusive on how to address Iran’s nuclear progr…