98 Results for:

March 20, 2009

Six Experts on Negotiating with the Taliban

Reaching out to moderate elements within the Taliban as part of a U.S. war strategy in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region has been the subject of much debate in Washington. Six experts weigh in on the m…

June 1, 2009

Tiananmen Square and Two Chinas

On the twentieth anniversary of China’s Tiananmen Square crackdown, six experts reflect on the country’s trajectory since then. Many note China’s breathtaking economic growth as well as mounting stra…

November 3, 2009

President Obama Tours Asia

Ahead of President Obama’s Asia trip, CFR experts Sheila Smith, Joshua Kurlantzick, Elizabeth Economy, and Scott Snyder discuss what the president should focus on during his visit to Japan, Singapore…

December 2, 2009

Assessing the Afghan Surge

In his address to the nation on Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama laid out a strategy he says will turn the tides in the faltering Afghan war effort. Five experts analyze his approach.

December 7, 2009

United States
Squaring Healthcare with the Economy

As the U.S. Senate debates the healthcare overhaul, experts are divided on whether proposed legislation would stifle U.S. economic and business competitiveness.