24 Results for:

August 1, 2007

Sub-Saharan Africa
Beyond Humanitarianism

Overview Africa is moving center stage in world politics, but not just for humanitarian reasons. Currently, 15 percent of U.S. oil imports come from Africa—as much as from the Middle East—and t…

February 11, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
The Pragmatic Superpower

In The Pragmatic Superpower, Ray Takeyh and Steven Simon reframe the legacy of U.S. involvement in the Arab world from 1945 to 1991 and shed new light on the makings of the contemporary Middle East.

February 14, 2013

Energy and Climate Policy
The Power Surge

A groundbreaking analysis of what the changes in American energy mean for the economy, national security, and the environment.

June 23, 2023

Sovereign Funds

The first in-depth account of the sudden growth of China’s sovereign wealth funds and their transformative impact on global markets, domestic and multinational businesses, and international politics.

February 2, 2015

Fossil Fuels
Market Madness

Market Madness explores the conditions in which oil supply fears arise, gain popularity, and eventually wane, and demonstrates the significant effects these stories have on financial markets.