232 Results for:

March 13, 2007

The Difficulties of Counting Iraq’s War Dead

No definitive estimate exists on the number of Iraqi civilians who have died from violence, largely because of the politically charged nature of the war.

December 14, 2006

Defense and Security
Iraq’s Other Embeds: Advisers

Whatever emerges from the current review of U.S. Iraq policy, embedding more U.S. military advisers with Iraqi forces will be a vital component. But can this training effort help secure Iraq?

December 1, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
State Sponsors: Libya

This publication is now archived. Does Libya sponsor terrorism?Despite Libya’s December 2003 announcement that it would eliminate its weapons of mass destruction program, it still remains on the Stat…

October 16, 2007

How Libya Got Off the List

Libya, for years a thorn in the side of U.S. policymakers, has boosted its profile in recent years, renouncing terrorism and abandoning its WMD. In response, the U.S. State Department has removed Lib…