3,976 Results for:

September 16, 1998

Testimony by Adam Schwarz Before the Asia and Pacific Subcommittee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for inviting me to speak today at the hearing on current developments in Indonesia. I am the Edward R. Murrow Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, specializing in Sou…

September 16, 1998

Testimony by Adam Schwarz before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for inviting me to speak today at the hearing on current developments in Indonesia. I am the Edward R. Murrow Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, specializing in Sou…

June 7, 2000

The Paradox of Free Market Democracy

This paper will situate the recent problems in Indonesia in a more general framework that I will call the paradox of free-market democracy. The basic thesis I will advance is as follows. In Indonesia…


February 14, 2002

Middle East and North Africa
Harnessing Trade for Development and Growth in the Middle East

Overview Many observers of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) believe the lack of economic prospects and poverty in the everyday life of people in the region contribute to extremism, and perh…


February 25, 2002

Middle East and North Africa
Can economic stagnation in the Middle East be reversed?

Only if countries in the region tackle domestic policies that hinder investment and progress, concludes new study from the Council on Foreign Relations. February 21 – Middle Eastern and North Afri…