36 Results for:

October 31, 2012

Elections and Voting
The Candidates on Energy Policy

Both presidential candidates have called for expanding U.S. energy production to create jobs, even as they disagree over the role of government subsidies and environmental regulation.

October 18, 2012

Immigration and Migration
The Candidates on Immigration

The economic climate and border security concerns have thrust the question of immigration reform into the spotlight in the 2012 presidential campaign.

October 31, 2012

United States
The Candidates on Democracy Promotion in the Arab World

The presidential candidates generally agree on support for democracy and human rights in Arab states, but have differed on several policy particulars, such as military intervention in Libya and Syria.

October 31, 2012

The Candidates on U.S.-Iran Policy

Deterring Iran’s nuclear weapons program is a foreign policy priority for the United States. Candidates for the 2012 presidential elections debate the best options, including a military strike.

December 23, 2008

U.S. Security Agreements and Iraq

Iraqi lawmakers approved new ground rules for the U.S. troop presence, including a U.S. withdrawal by 2011. But questions about the accords’ legal longevity remain.