565 Results for:

November 10, 2016

Securing Progress Against Boko Haram: A Conversation With Sarah Sewall

Drawing on her recent trip to Nigeria and Chad, Undersecretary Sewall assesses the ongoing fight against Boko Haram and violent extremism more broadly. She evaluates related humanitarian and stabiliz…

Podcast Nigeria-rescued-girls-RTX1TX7N.jpg

September 10, 2019

United States
U.S. Human Rights Policy, With Sarah B. Snyder

Sarah B. Snyder, associate professor at American University’s School of International Service, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss U.S. human rights policy and her most recent book, From Selma…

Podcast Original "foot soldiers" at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.

April 26, 2018

Human Rights
Sarah Margon on Human Rights

Sarah Margon, the Washington director at Human Rights Watch, joins CFR's James M. Lindsay to discuss the Trump administration's approach to human rights policy.

Podcast 20180426_TPI_HRW

August 20, 2014

Defense and Security
Ten Whats With…Sarah Kreps

Sarah Kreps is a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and an associate professor of government at Cornell University.  She is the author of Coalitions of Convenience: …

Drone Warfare_Kreps edited

October 17, 2018

Women and Women's Rights
International Day of the Girl Child: A Conversation with Kakenya Ntaiya and Sarah Craven

Girls’ education is one of the most effective development investments. Yet 130 million girls remain out of school, and each year, twelve million girls are married before their eighteenth birthday. To…

Podcast Jedidah Nkadayo, a 12 year old Maasai girl who was rescued from marriage, listens to her teacher at a boarding school in Kajiado, Kenya on January 13, 1999.