37,935 Results for:

January 20, 1995

Non-Lethal Technologies

The U.S. approach to international conflicts in the post-Cold War period—how we think about them and what actions we take—is enormously affected by America's capabilities to quell them by diplomatic,…

January 1, 1996

Economic Crises
Lessons of the Mexican Peso Crisis

What the United States and the international community have done for Mexico is unique. No other country, with the exception of Canada, could muster such support from the U.S.government. The Mexican p…

January 1, 1996

Conflict Prevention
Toward Comprehensive Peace in Southeast Europe

While the Dayton agreement on Bosnia-Herzegovina has moved that troubled region toward peace, it could not eliminate all the dangers precipitated by the breakup of Yugoslavia. The South Balkans—Kosov…


The Sorensen Distinguished Lecture on the United Nations

The Sorensen Distinguished Lecture on the United Nations is an annual lecture and dinner established in 1996 with funds from former CFR Director Theodore C. Sorensen, who was a member for more th…