8 Results for:

July 28, 2014

Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK)

The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, an exiled Iranian resistance group, continues to stir controversy despite its removal from a U.S. terrorism list.

MEK Iran

April 23, 2008

Finding a Place for the ‘Sons of Iraq’

The Sunni awakening movement and the Sons of Iraq security forces it inspired helped restore peace. Iraq’s long-term stability could hinge on keeping the movement satiated, experts say.

December 26, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
New York Spurs Counterterrorism Efforts

The “war on terrorism” is often portrayed as playing out on the streets of Baghdad or in the mountains of Afghanistan. But New York City is another important battleground and could provide lessons fo…

December 6, 2006

The Baker-Hamilton Commission (aka Iraq Study Group)

As the much-discussed Iraq Study Group gears up to give its final report to Congress, there is a flurry of speculation over what its recommendations will include. Here is an inside look at the so-cal…