140 Results for:

February 2, 2005

IRAQ: Saddam’s Capture

This publication is now archived. What are the effects of Saddam Hussein’s capture?It’s uncertain what the lasting effects will be. In the short term, the December 13 arrest of Iraq’s former dictator…

February 2, 2005

IRAQ: Shiites

This publication is now archived. Will Shiites control the new Iraq?Most experts are certain that Iraqi Shiites, who make up some 60 percent of Iraq’s population, will play a leading role in the reco…

February 3, 2005

IRAQ: International Law and POWs

This publication is now archived. What does international law say about prisoners of war?The most important rule, enshrined in Common Article 3 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, is that prisoners of wa…

February 4, 2005

AFRICA: Mugabe’s Zimbabwe

This publication is now archived. What’s the current situation in Zimbabwe?President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s leader since independence in 1980, maintains his grip on power. Under his rule, the coun…

February 4, 2005

Europe and Eurasia
EUROPE: European Defense Policy

This publication is now archived. What is at stake in the debate about a European defense force?The European Union (E.U.) is planning to create a mobile military force designed to be deployed quickly…