224 Results for:

December 4, 2001

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Gideon Rose: Why Did September 11 Happen?

Gideon Rose is the managing editor of Foreign Affairs magazine. His recently-released book, How Did This Happen: Terrorism and the New War is a collection of essays from experts in the areas of inter…

November 1, 2002

North Korea
No Crisis with North Korea, Says Council’s Independent Task Force Co-Chairman Morton Abramowitz

Morton Abramowitz, who is co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force on Korea, says that despite North Korea’s disclosure that it has a secret nuclear weapons program, “we…

November 5, 2002

Middle East and North Africa
Scant Prospects for Israeli-Palestinian Progress, Says Council’s U.S./Middle East Project Director Henry Siegman

Henry Siegman, a top Council on Foreign Relations expert on Israeli-Palestinian affairs, offers “a very gloomy prognosis” for peace talks after the collapse of Israel’s national unity government. He …

January 6, 2003

North Korea
U.S. ‘No Talk’ Policy With N. Korea ‘Ineffective,’ Says Oberdorfer

The Bush administration’s refusal to talk to North Korea is “a mistake,” says Korea expert Don Oberdorfer in an interview with Bernard Gwertzman, consulting editor for cfr.org. D…

January 23, 2003

Bush Administration Obliged to Seek U.N. Security Council Backing for Iraq War, Says Former Chief Weapons Inspector Richard Butler

Richard Butler, who headed the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), the weapons inspection agency in Iraq until 1998, says that Iraq has clearly violated U.N. resolutions barring its possessi…