Iraq: The Day After

Iraq: The Day After

March 2003 , 124 Pages

Task Force Report
Analysis and policy prescriptions of major foreign policy issues facing the United States, developed through private deliberations among a diverse and distinguished group of experts.

Written before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, this report accurately predicted that winning the peace in Iraq would be a far greater challenge than winning the war. The report says that this challenge falls largely on President Bush, who must make clear to the world that the United States is prepared to stay the course for the multibillion-dollar, multiyear commitment of U.S. troops, civilian personnel, and other resources that will be needed to achieve a lasting peace.

Thomas R. Pickering

Vice Chairman, Hills & Company

James R. Schlesinger

Former Defense and Energy Secretary

“None of the other U.S. objectives in rebuilding Iraq would be realized in the absence of public security,” the report stresses. Therefore, the report recommends, the U.S. military should deploy forces to prevent acts of reprisal and other lawlessness and to provide humanitarian aid. Especially in the early phases, the stability and public security mission could require between 75,000 and 200,000 or more troops, the report notes. The administration should sustain this public-security mission throughout the transition by actively recruiting international civilian police and constabulary forces to assist U.S. forces and train Iraqis.

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Human Rights

The Task Force report explores the options of reconstruction and governance in a post-Saddam transition and describes the nature and magnitude of the postconflict requirements. It offers some thirty recommendations relating to humanitarian assistance, public security, transitional administration, the rule of law, and accountability, oil, reconstruction, and regional security.

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Human Rights

Task Force Members

Task Force Members:

J. BRIAN ATWOOD is dean of the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. He served as the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development during the Clinton administration.

KENNETH H. BACON is the president and chief executive officer of Refugees International. Between 1994 and 2001, he served as the assistant secretary of defense for public affairs and Pentagon spokesman.

EDWARD P. DJEREJIAN is the founding director of the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy and serves as the Robert and Janice McNair chair in Public Policy and as the Edward A. and Hermena Hancock Kelly University chair for senior scholars. He has also served as deputy assistant secretary of Near Eastern and South Asian affairs.

JAMES F. DOBBINS is the director of RAND's Center for International Security and Defense Policy. He was ambassador to the European Community (1991-1993), special assistant to the president for the Western Hemisphere (1996-1999), and assistant secretary of state for Europe (2001-2002). He served as the Clinton administration’s special envoy for Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, and Kosovo, and most recently as the Bush administration’s special envoy for Afghanistan.

STANLEY FISCHER is the vice chairman of Citigroup and the president of Citigroup International. He has served as the first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund from September 1994 to August 2001 and as special adviser to the managing director from September 1, 2001 until January 31, 2002.

REND FRANCKE is currently the executive director of the Iraq Foundation. She has written extensively on Iraqi politics and is the co-author of The Arab Shia: The Forgotten Muslims, published in 2000.

BART FRIEDMAN is a senior partner at Cahill, Gordon and Reindel, and serves on the Brookings Institution board of trustees.

CARL SAMUEL GERSHMAN has been the president of the National Endowment for Democracy since his appointment in 1984.

JOHN C. HULSMAN is a research fellow in European Affairs, at the Davis Institute for International Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

JEANE J. KIRKPATRICK is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and professor emeritus at Georgetown University. She served as a U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations during the Reagan administration and was a member of President Reagan's cabinet and National Security Council.

ELLEN LAIPSON is the president and chief executive officer of the Henry L. Stimson Center. She formerly served as the vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

ROBERT A. MALLEY is the director of the International Crisis Group's Middle East Program and serves as senior policy adviser at the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Development.

PHEBE MARR is a leading specialist on Iraq and was a senior fellow at the National Defense University.

EDWARD L. MORSE is a senior executive adviser at Hess Energy Trading.

GREGORY S. NEWBOLD is the executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. A retired lieutenant general, he was formerly the director of operations on the Joint Staff.

DIANE ORENTLICHER is a professor at American University's Washington College of Law.

THOMAS R. PICKERING, co-chair of the Task Force, is senior vice president for international relations at Boeing. His diplomatic career spanned five decades, and included service as the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations. He retired from government in 2000 as undersecretary of state for political affairs.

JAMES A. PLACKE is currently a senior associate at Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Previously he was director for Middle East Research at CERA.

KENNETH M. POLLACK is a senior fellow in foreign policy studies and director of research, at the Brookings Institution's Saban Center for Middle East Policy. He served as director for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs at the National Security Council.

JAMES R. SCHLESINGER, co-chair of the Task Force, is the chairman of the MITRE Corporation's board of trustees and is senior adviser at Lehman Brothers. He is also a counselor and trustee for the Center for Strategic and International Studies and chairman of the executive committee at the Nixon Center. He has served as secretary of defense and secretary of energy.

ERIC P. SCHWARTZ director of this Task Force, is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was on the National Security Council staff from 1993 to 2001, where he most recently served as special assistant to the president for National Security Affairs and senior director for multilateral and humanitarian affairs.

JOHN M. SHALIKASHVILI is a visiting professor with the Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. He was formerly chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

RICHARD H. SOLOMON is president of the United States Institute of Peace. He formerly served as assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.

GORDON R. SULLIVAN is the president and chief operating officer of the Association of the United States Army. He is also the former Chief of Staff of the Army.

FRANK G. WISNER is vice chairman of external affairs at American International Group, Inc. Ambassador Wisner has served in a number of senior positions in the U.S. government, including undersecretary of defense for policy from 1993 to 1994, and undersecretary of state for international security affairs from 1992 to 1993.

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