341 Results for:

June 17, 2014

United States
Congressman Smith Says United States Must 'Stand With the Oppressed'

Representative Christopher Smith joins Michael Mosettig of PBS to discuss the challenges of human rights policymaking and the importance of speaking out on behalf of the victims of abuse.


June 17, 2014

United States
The Role of Congress in U.S. Human Rights Policy and Beyond

Representative Christopher Smith joins Michael D. Mosettig of PBS to discuss the challenges of human rights policymaking and the importance of speaking out on behalf of the victims of abuse.


October 11, 2018

Women and Women's Rights
Who Run the World: Girls Powering Afghanistan's Digital Future

As technology transforms the world of work, a generation of girls is in danger of being left behind. Globally, girls are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) e…

Podcast All-girl team from Afghanistan prepares to compete in first international robot Olympics in Washington, U.S., July 17, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

September 18, 2019

Hong Kong
Pro-Democracy Protests in Hong Kong: Perspectives From the Frontlines

Since March, millions of Hong Kongers have protested their government’s proposed law to allow the extradition of criminal suspects to mainland China. Although Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam rec…

Podcast Protesters raise mobile phones as they gather to show support for protesters inside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) campus, November 19, 2019

July 15, 2020

Maternal and Child Health
The Emptying Planet: The Global Impact of Declining Fertility Rates, A Virtual Roundtable

Most countries outside of sub-Saharan Africa are projected to enter a period of sustained low fertility and a decline in the working age populations. Speakers Drs. Natalia Kanem and Christopher Murra…

Play Pregnant woman, wearing a floral shirt, touches her stomach.