490 Results for:

August 6, 2007

Saudi Arabia
Gause: U.S. Trying to Soften Saudi Hard Line toward Maliki Government

F. Gregory Gause, a leading Saudi Arabia expert, says the U.S. plan to sell some $20 billion in sophisticated military hardware to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states is part of a concerted effort in …

August 17, 2009

Afghan Elections: A Perilous Time

Ahmed Rashid, a leading expert on Afghanistan, says the August 20 presidential election in Afghanistan is "critically important" to achieving political stability, but he worries the vote will trigger…

October 6, 2011

Economic Crises
Containing the Eurozone Crisis

As Greece inches closer to defaulting on its pile of sovereign debt, European leaders must move quickly to recapitalize the continent’s exposed banking sector, says EU economics expert Jacob Funk Kir…

August 10, 2005

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Interview with Major Isaiah Wilson III on Pentagon reform

The Defense Department has developed war plans to thwart terrorist attacks within the United States, raising the possibility that ground troops may be dispatched on U.S. soil in the event of an emerg…

June 28, 2007

United States
McConnell Cites ‘Overwhelming Evidence’ of Iran’s Support for Iraqi Insurgents

Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell says there is clear evidence of Iranian support for Iraqi insurgents, citing sophisticated new roadside bombs.