574 Results for:

May 23, 2007

Edwards: America Needs a Plan to Forestall Iraq Genocide

Sen. John Edwards, a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, discusses foreign policy with Michael Moran, executive editor of CFR.org.

June 28, 2013

United States
Extraditing Edward Snowden

Whether NSA leaker Edward Snowden is extradited to the United States will hinge more on diplomatic relations than international legal considerations, says expert Stephen Vladeck.

September 12, 2005

Elections and Voting
Interview with Edward Lincoln on Japan’s parliamentary elections

When Japanese parliament failed to pass a postal-service reform bill on August 8, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi dissolved parliament’s lower house and called for snap elections, held September 11…

June 20, 2012

Economic Crises
Did the G20 Help the Eurozone?

G20 members meeting in Mexico won a commitment on banking sector integration despite limited influence on eurozone politics, says expert Jacob Funk Kirkegaard.

November 4, 2011

Economic Crises
The G20 and Eurozone Debt Crisis

The ongoing eurozone sovereign-debt crisis dominated the G20 summit in Cannes, but there is little the United States and other G20 nations can do to influence EU policymakers, says CFR’s Steven Dunaw…