73 Results for:

October 5, 2011

Looming Threat to Afghan Women’s Rights

With the United States eager to withdraw from Afghanistan and reconciliation with the Taliban considered key to any peace process, Afghan women’s rights are once again in question, writes CFR’s Gayle…

March 17, 2010

Obama’s Missed Opportunity in Indonesia

President Obama must not let his postponed trip to Indonesia scuttle U.S. plans to forge a lasting strategic partnership with an emerging world power, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.

November 4, 2009

United States
The Fall of the Wall and American Grand Strategy

The fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago marked a triumph of the U.S. strategy of containment. But U.S. policymakers have been struggling to establish new guidelines for confronting the world’s compl…

February 11, 2011

United States
The Whys and Hows of Promoting Democracy

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Mark Lagon examines the uneven history of promoting democracy in U.S. foreign policy and offers lessons for how the United States can best advance democracy today…

March 28, 2011

The Debate Over U.S. Libya Intervention

As President Obama prepares to present his case for the Libya intervention, congressional members are squaring off over it. The president is on solid legal ground, but it could erode if Libyan operat…