40 Results for:

June 1, 2008

Political History and Theory
Thicker Than Oil

Teaching Notes on Thicker than Oil: America's Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia by CFR Adjunct Senior Fellow Rachel Bronson.


September 6, 2018

Nigeria: What Everyone Needs to Know

Teaching Notes for Nigeria: What Everyone Needs to Know, written by John Campbell, in which he provides an accessible, one-of-a-kind overview of Nigeria.

Teaching Notes for Nigeria by John Campbell and Matthew T. Page

November 16, 2020

Nigeria and the Nation-State

In Nigeria and the Nation-State, John Campbell explains what makes Nigeria different from other countries in Africa, how it works, and why understanding it is vital if we are to avoid the mistakes th…

Nigeria and the Nation-State Teaching Notes by John Campbell

April 20, 2013

United States
The Power Surge

Teaching Notes on The Power Surge by CFR Senior Fellow Michael A. Levi.


September 10, 2013

Europe and Eurasia
The Battle of Bretton Woods

Teaching Notes on The Battle of Bretton Woods by CFR Senior Fellow Benn Steil.
