67 Results for:

April 27, 2012

Bahrain’s Unsettling Standoff

The country’s instability should not be viewed as a simple push for democratic reforms, and the outcome has implications for Iran’s role in the region, says CFR’s Ed Husain.

March 23, 2011

Un-Unified Oppositions in Bahrain and Yemen

Opposition movements in Bahrain and Yemen are hobbled by societal and sectarian divisions that were finessed in Tunisia and Egypt, says Middle East expert Kristin Smith Diwan.

March 8, 2012

Gauging Taliban Moves in Pakistan

Reports that Pakistan-based militant groups may be moving to unite could help clarify U.S. talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan. But CFR’s Daniel Markey calls it a tricky game, complicated by unclea…

June 8, 2011

Continuing Crackdown in Bahrain

Though Bahrain’s crown prince is in the United States to restore frayed relations, the government is pressing its campaign against the protest movement, despite its ending of martial law and a call f…

February 24, 2006

Lang: Political Process Will Move Forward in Iraq, Despite Sectarian Violence

W. Patrick Lang, former head of Middle East Affairs and Counterterrorism at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, tells cfr.org the attack on the Askariya Shrine will not scuttle Iraq’s political pro…