3,258 Results for:

November 8, 2002

International Organizations
Iraqi Resolution Is ’Enormously Important,’ Says U.N. Expert Richard Gardner

Richard N. Gardner, an expert on the United Nations and a Columbia Law School professor, says that the U.N. Security Council resolution on Iraq, which was approved 15-0 on November 8, is “enormously …

January 2, 2007

Envoy Says Germany to Push Mideast Peace Process, Energy Security, Kosovo Solution

Germany’s U.S. ambassador says his country will use new leadership positions in both the European Union and the G8 to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and issues such as energy security …

November 22, 2002

U.S.-Iranian Relations at an Impasse, Says Iran Expert Gary Sick

Gary Sick, the director of Columbia University’s Middle East Institute, says that any warming trend in U.S.-Iranian relations has stalled. Despite “widespread dissent and dissatisfac…

November 8, 2005

Microcredit Gaining Momentum, Says Council’s Isobel Coleman

Microcredit, also known as microfinance, is a widely touted development technique that extends small loans to entrepreneurs in poverty-stricken areas. Microcredit loanshave now reached 100 million pe…

November 20, 2006

Lantos Says No ‘Silver Bullet’ on Iraq But Baker Panel Can Help Bipartisanship

The presumptive chair of the House International Relations Committee expects no "silver bullets" to emerge from the Baker commission’s report on Iraq. But Rep. Tom Lantos hopes the forthcoming report…