369 Results for:

June 10, 2022

World Trade Organization (WTO)
What’s Next for the WTO?

President Trump’s decision to levy tariffs on China highlights concern about the ongoing role of the WTO and the future of global trade rules.

WTO Meeting, Geneva Switzerland

March 22, 2007

United States
The Changing Scope of U.S. International Broadcasts

The U.S. government has boosted spending on international broadcasting since 9/11, expanding its reach to the Internet and satellite TV. But critics say these outlets have lost their focus.

November 30, 2012

International Organizations
Palestinian Statehood at the UN

The quest by Palestinian officials for statehood recognition could have major repercussions for the Mideast peace process. This Backgrounder outlines the potential impact of the UN vote.

August 24, 2022

What Does the CDC Do?

The federal agency has a broad mandate to protect Americans’ health and an expansive global reach. But the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of its most daunting challenges.

The CDC’s Emergency Operations Center is reflected in the glass of a room where staff meet to discuss the Ebola crisis in October 2014.