1,241 Results for:

October 13, 2010

Palestinian Territories
The Mideast Moratorium Mess

The end of Israel’s ban on settlement building creates political problems for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and a dilemma the Obama administration in part brought on itself, says Mideast expe…

May 20, 2009

Iranian Missile Test Politically Motivated

Thomas W. Lippman, an expert on Gulf security, says the latest Iranian missile test won’t have any military impact, because it is just an incremental step forward. But he says the timing of the annou…

August 3, 2009

Events in Iran ’Polarizing’ Nation Further

With the reelection of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad now formalized, Iranian expert Farideh Farhi says there is now "the possibility of increased radicalism among the population."

March 18, 2008

Elections and Voting
Farhi: New Iranian Majlis Will Be Critical of Ahmadinejad on Domestic Issues

Farideh Farhi, an Iranian-born expert on Iranian politics, discusses the outcome of Iran’s parliamentary elections and its implications for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

November 2, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Virtual Media Briefing: Update on the Israel-Hamas War and the Region

Experts from the Council on Foreign Relations discuss the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and the implications it has for Gaza and the Middle East region.

Play A view of a burning flame and smoke rising in Gaza.