32 Results for:

August 30, 2010

The Folly of Holding Afghan Elections

Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan next month will be seen as a test of long-term stability. But analyst Candace Rondeaux says pre-election violence and corrupt candidates will undermine the vote…

October 31, 2003

Sestanovich: ’Putin Is Sending a Message to Sleazy Officials Across Russia That Harassing Business Is Okay.’

Stephen R. Sestanovich, a top Russian specialist, says the Putin government’s arrest of Russia’s wealthiest man, oil “oligarch” Mikhail Khodorkovsky, resulted from a confrontatio…

July 6, 2006

Goldgeier: U.S.-Russia Relations at Lowest Point Since Cold War’s End

James M. Goldgeier, former director of Russian affairs in the National Security Council under President Clinton, says that as leading democracies head to the annual G8 meeting in St. Petersburg, the …

February 7, 2012

Elections and Voting
How Europe Views the U.S. Presidential Campaign

Europeans are closely watching the U.S. presidential campaign despite their ongoing economic troubles because the United States remains the number one power in the world, says German expert Josef Jof…

October 12, 2005

Elections and Voting
Drozdiak: Germany’s ’Grand Coalition’ Amounts to ’National Emergency Government’

William M. Drozdiak, president of the American Council on Germany, says the emerging “grand coalition” government to be headed by Angela Merkel of the conservative Christian Democratic Union must fa…