461 Results for:

January 7, 2003

Palestinian Territories
Palestinian Authority Must Get Better, Faster, or Risk Public Support, Says High-level International Task Force Embargoed until 3:30 am EST June 28, 1999

June 28, 1999, New York City - The Palestinian Authority (PA) must improve its ability to govern democratically and effectively—and do so urgently-or risk losing the support of its people, according …

January 24, 2017

Kurlantzick Chronicles the U.S. Secret War in Laos and Creation of a Paramilitary CIA in New Book

“Over the course of the war, U.S. bombing of Laos would become so intense that it averaged one attack every eight minutes for nearly a decade,” observes Joshua Kurlantzick in his new book, A Great Pl…

March 23, 2009

United States
CFR Report Pinpoints Policies Fueling Credit Boom and Bust; Calls for Debt Financing Reform

A new report from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Lessons of the Financial Crisis, calls for major economic reforms, both to avoid fueling excessive corporate and individual borrowing in the …

March 18, 2004

United States
Transatlantic Alliance Remains Vital to U.S. and Europe in Post-9/11 World, Concludes Council Task Force Led by Henry Kissinger and Lawrence Summers

March 19, 2004 - In the year that has passed since the war in Iraq, the United States and its European allies have done much to repair their relations. Nonetheless, the partnership is still at risk. …

May 1, 2018

Xi’s China Is More Authoritarian at Home and More Assertive Abroad, Argues Elizabeth Economy in New Book

May 1, 2018—“One of the great paradoxes of China today,” writes eminent China scholar Elizabeth C. Economy, “is Xi Jinping’s effort to position himself as a champion of globalization, while at th…