12 Results for:

March 10, 2022

Women and Women's Rights
Renewing the Global Architecture for Gender Equality

UN Women has the potential to make serious progress on gender equality and equity—but the U.S. government needs to help make this a reality.

Four women stand together with raised fists during a protest in Brasilia, Brazil, on International Women's Day.

July 2, 2019

Global Governance
Reevaluating Global Trade Governance Structures to Address Climate Change

Climate change is imperiling humanity’s future. To combat it, the world needs to use rules that have been around for decades, create new rules, and find new space for climate change policy.

A sorting machine at a recycling site in Edinburgh, Scotland, on April 17, 2019

July 5, 2016

Technology and Innovation
Women in Tech as a Driver for Growth in Emerging Economies

Overview As the world transitions to an increasingly digital economy, many low- and middle-income countries face an obstacle: most emerging economies lack qualified people to fill critical informa…

January 30, 2020

Refuge From Disease

Mitigating potential communicable disease in refugee populations is a subset of efforts for human rights, equality, and dignity. A basic multilateral framework could improve health care in these situ…

Rohingya refugees wait for medical checkups in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, on January 21, 2018.

January 30, 2020

A Silent Crisis

Refugee health needs in non-camp, urban settings have increasingly shifted to noncommunicable diseases. Providing preventive care and specialist treatment requires a massive influx of resources, but …

Eye exam GGWP Bollyky