85 Results for:

August 15, 2014

United States
Ballistic Missile Defense

U.S. missile defense in the twenty-first century is focused on emerging threats from North Korea and Iran, but critics say these systems are too costly and largely unproven.

Ballistic Missile Defense

February 16, 2005

IRAQ: U.S.-Turkey Relations

This publication is now archived. How strained are U.S.-Turkey relations?They are very strained. The Bush administration was stunned by the Turkish Parliament’s March 1 decision to deny the United St…

February 2, 2006

Defense and Security
New Focus On U.S.-Southeast Asia Military Ties

This publication is now archived. What’s the current U.S. security relationship with the major countries of Southeast Asia?It varies by country, experts say. The U.S. military has close relationships…

February 7, 2005

Saudi Arabia
SAUDI ARABIA: Withdrawl of U.S. Forces

This publication is now archived. Will the departure of American forces improve U.S.-Saudi relations?It should. Both the United States and Saudi Arabia had indicated even before the war in Iraq ended…

February 3, 2005

IRAQ: U.S. Deployments at the War’s Height

This publication is now archived. How many U.S. troops were stationed in and around Iraq when Baghdad fell?The Pentagon said April 8 that some 340,000 U.S. servicemen and women were under the authori…